Sunday, 1 November 2009

Consortiums Compete for £100bn Wind Farm Prize

Rowena Mason has a report in the DT on the battles for the rights to build wind farms off the coast of Britain. The awards are due to be made official by the Crown Estate by the end of next month, with the first turbines entering the water by 2014.

A 5,000 megawatt Norfolk (offshore wind energy) development will be three times larger than the giant London Array farm under construction in the Thames Estuary – due to be crowned the biggest in Europe when the first of its 341 turbines start working in 2012.

Another utility consortium called Forewind, including RWEnpower Renewables, Scottish & Southern Energy, Statkraft and StatoilHydro, is believed to be the frontrunner for the even bigger 10,000 megawatt Dogger Bank plot in the North Sea.

Crown Estate 2009 annual report on Offshore Wind Energy.


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